i.webthings aggregator

curiosity cart 02-17-25 (Feb 17, 2025)

(cross-posted to mastodon)

notes on an ageless web (Feb 8, 2025)

(edited 02/12/25 for clarity)

Several recent guestbook posts at bulltown got my attention.

wowo cool site 😁

followed by

holy shit you're older than my dad

Hysterical laughter ensued!

In all seriousness, it reminded me that the web is ageless and those thoughts could only have been written by someone as extremely young as I am old. As it turns out, the words came from a 14-year-old.

We now follow each other at Neocities. She’s a nice person and her creativity is exactly the type of thing that made me wanna join Neocities in the first place.

so what does β€˜ageless’ mean anyway?

Long ago in the age of Web 1.0, blogging, Geocities, Yahoo, and pop-under ads, I set out to make a point, creating the ageless project. Unfortunately, all that remains is a list of links to about 5 dozen kind people who supported the project, linking to it from their own blog or personal homepage - there once was a large directory of links (not only to supporters) organized by the authors’ ages - but link-checking (and fixing) took its toll…

When I first launched the project, many people wrote about it as if it was a directory of old peoples’ personal sites. Not at all - it was a directory of personal sites authored by people of all ages - from teenagers to people in their nineties. I truly believed back then as I do now, that the web brings us all together regardless of age (and gender, ethnicity, or sexual identity)!

With all that said, I have to admit I might very well be the oldest person in the Neocities community. Maybe not.

But I love it!

(cross-posted to mastodon)

bulltown updates 02-16-25 (Feb 16, 2025)

I’m thankful to report the bulltown.sidecar webring is starting to come alive. Six personal websites have joined up, each with plenty to explore. If your site is personal, please consider joining.

There’s two entryways to bulltown. While the dual versions look similar, each site has its own unique content aside from their links pages, which are identical but maintained separately. Applying updates to two separate versions simultaneously has helped hone my skills a bit and I’m good with that.

One’s never too old to grow.

Joining Neocities has been purely inspiring, thank you. Nuff said.

(cross-posted to mastodon)

What is this? (part 2) (Feb 11, 2025)

This should shed some light on what I’m up to here...

How to surf the web!

To surf the web revival, you start on one site, you find links and you follow the trail; be brave, explore, keep going, keep going!

(cross-posted to mastodon)

baggage (Aug 29, 2024)

I’m a firm believer the baggage we carry from others in our lives are, with time, replaced by challenges we’ve been inspired to impose on ourselves. Feeling pressure to succeed at being happy is far better than the pressure to live up to someone else’s ideals.

diversions:02-16-25 (Feb 16, 2025)

diversions 02-16-25

YouHole πŸ“Œ

YouHole is random and potentially upsetting or triggering. Browse at your own risk.

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